Home dan uwatsa Hawan raina Tam Quốc chi: Lãnh Châu na ta bi

Words upon Being Listed I am grateful for this moment, to stand proudly among the chosen few. To be recognized for my worth, and given the chance to shine. This is the beginning of a new chapter, where dreams take flight and soar. With every word, I will paint a world, and invite others to journey with me. To all who have supported me, your belief has ignited a fire within. I will not disappoint, for I am here to leave my mark. So let the pages turn, and may my story touch hearts. For I am ready, to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. With gratitude and determination, I embark on this journey, to share my words with the world. For I am a writer, and this is my time to shine.

Tam Quốc chi: Lãnh Châu na ta bi Jack 1058Words 2023-07-04 20:19