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Preview of "Violent Fairy Maiden" Chapter 1: The Awakening The night sky was filled with the scent of blood, as if the stars themselves were weeping. In the ancient city of Yuncheng, a fierce battle was taking place. Phoenix Fairy, the renowned warrior of the Immortal Sect, was locked in combat with the sinister Dark Demon. Their clash shook the heavens, tearing apart the tranquility of the night. With every strike, Phoenix Fairy's elegant figure danced through the air, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Her eyes, filled with determination, never wavered. She swore to protect the innocent, even at the cost of her own life. As the battle raged on, an unexpected twist occurred. Phoenix Fairy's latent powers awakened, transforming her into a terrifying force to be reckoned with. Her delicate appearance belied the unstoppable strength that surged within her. Fueled by her newfound power, Phoenix Fairy unleashed a barrage of attacks upon the Dark Demon. She fought with unparalleled fervor, her sword slicing through the air like a flash of lightning. In the end, it was Phoenix Fairy who emerged victorious. The Dark Demon, defeated and wounded, fled into the darkness, vowing to return and seek revenge. But little did he know that Phoenix Fairy's ascension marked the beginning of a new era. The era of the Violent Fairy Maiden. Stay tuned for the next thrilling chapter of "Violent Fairy Maiden"!

Ayyukan Daga Hukuncin Sangaya Lily 12449Words 2023-07-04 20:07